FAISALABAD: Faisalabad police on Wednesday recovered the body of a schoolboy who was kidnapped two days ago. Eight-year-old Ali Haider was the grandson of a trade leader, and was abducted on Monday on his way back from school. The missing boy’s parents were informed this morning about a body found in a gunny bag near their house. They identified the body to be of their missing son. The police reached the scene and moved the body to the morgue for an autopsy. Mehmoodul Hasan, the grandfather of the boy, suspected Haider’s cousin of being responsible for the murder and abduction. He said that his cousin had been harassing them over the phone over a family feud. Gulberg police have registered a case and the investigation is underway.
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Faisalabad police find body of missing Kidnapped 8 year old
» Faisalabad police find body of missing Kidnapped 8-year-old